Fill this form out and email it to us with your details and information.
This will reserve u a Seat !!

Your Full Name:

Your E-mail address:

CHECK U re gamez ... pick as many u want !!

Deathmatches to play in tournament: (Check ure fragin needz)
Half Life
Quake III
Unreal Tournament

Teamgamez to play in tournament: (Please think about teams before 4.march)
Quake III
Unreal Tournament

For Strahtehgenz !
Ages of Empire II

With these things i could support the Session !
Coax(BNC) Kabel (Stck.& Länge):
Twisted pair Kabel (Stck. & Länge):
Hubs 10 oder 100 Mbit:
Sun enterprise 10000 (Stck.):

Please give us the game u will prefer (bevorzugen) ! ... also Comments, Suggestions & wishes are wanted here !

!! ...Attention ... !!
Please make sure that ure Mailclient, bound to this Browser is configured correctly.
U need a working SMTP connection to get this message throught.
This means: If u use dial up connection ... u have to be online .. u re mailserver should have handshaked (f.e.strato mailtool) .. just try !!

If it worked out for U, a confirmation mail will be sent to U !
-- If U DONT recieve any confirmation mail within few days try Again or use this:
Troubelshooter !